Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A vignetted recollection of 2012

In case you haven't been bored to oblivion by talks of new year's resolutions, last year's recaps, and good wishes... here's my post welcoming 2013.
Because this is a brand new blog, and therefore you know nothing of me at this point (unless you are my friend or relative and you're being kind), this might not be particularly exciting. BUT!- you will find that I have a knack for finding buts- this was truly a year full of milestones for me, and it might fill you in on what I've been up to lately (or even better, spark an interesting conversation)
That being said, I will confess that I attempted to post a version of this on facebook, only to find that, as I had feared, a fb post short enough to not be obnoxious would not do my recount justice. So here it is...

Highlights of 2012:

♣ Got my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering!
♣ Began an amazing relationship ♥
♣ Skydived for the first time
♣ Went to work on a project at NASA :O
♣ Traveled to 10 states in the US, most of those in the company of very smart and fun individuals (aka  MSFC Propulsion Academy)
♣ Learned how to properly run (after 20+ years of briskly hopping at an odd pace)
♣ Had what was probably 'the' most expensive meal of my life
♣ Climbed my first mountain and my first tree (with a little bit of help :P)
♣ Lost weight (woohoo!)
♣ Learned how to knit and knitted way too much
♣ Got a fellowship... *score*
♣ Overcame my irrational fear of insects (for the most part)
♣ Won two awards for research presentations
♣ Went to space camp!
♣ Stopped being a vegetarian after almost two years 
♣ Laughed a bunch, read good books, drank some very decent coffee, tasted great beer, loved to my heart's content, and still managed to sneak in a couple days of blissful idleness.

Clearly, I learned and grew a lot. Now I know that I want to learn and grow much more than I ever thought I could. And maybe... just maybe... if I'm lucky enough... I'll do it in the company of the incredible people that I managed to cross paths with and some new ones that I am yet to meet. You, maybe? :)

Seize the year.


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